Winston-Salem NC Live Wedding Painter 2022
Winston-Salem NC Live Wedding Painter 2022
LIVE Wedding Painter
Acrylic on Canvas
Venue: The Graylyn Estate - Winston-Salem, North Carolina
I sometimes have to pinch myself to know I am not living in a dream or fairytale. It is venues like Graylyn Estate that I find myself in awe of the unbelievable history, architecture, landscaping and beauty of a venue. It was such an honor to paint such a spectacular view of the lush garden and beautiful water feature on the property. The couple was showcased in the foreground with the venue and property in the background.
There is an old wives-tale that say rain on a wedding day is good luck. As soon as the ceremony ended the heavens opened up and a monsoon came through. I will often gather water from a venue to incorporate into my paint. But for this rainy day I gathered water from a huge rain puddle and mixed it into my paint. The bride and groom will forever have the rain from their wedding day bringing them good luck into their marriage.