Smoky Mountain Wedding Painter
Smoky Mountain Wedding Painter
LIVE Wedding Painting- Hill & Cooke Wedding
Acrylic on Canvas
The Summit on Bluff Mountain
Smokey Mountain Tennessee
I have grown up in Tennessee and visit the Smoky Mountains my whole life. I have always thought I live in a beautiful area, but this reception cabin is hands down my new favorite view of the smokies! I was asked to paint live at a cabin reception in the neighborhood, The Summit on Bluff Mountain. The couple had rented the cabin "Fine as Wine" that slept 20 people!
The couple asked for me to get creative and show the back of the cabin and the mountain view. This required me to work from two different photos and create a new reality because the view was facing the opposite direction from the porch. I also incorporated the couple and their daughters in the foreground having to create a made up cobblestone walkway so it would look realistic to the viewer. I love accepting these kind of challenges! Watch this short TikTok to see the magnificent view!