Painting from Past Family Photo - Chattanooga, TN
Painting from Past Family Photo - Chattanooga, TN
Family Portrait Painting
Acrylic on Canvas Vertical
This is such a special painting. My sweet client reached out wanting to get a portrait of her husband and two boys. The more we chatted I asked if she wanted to be included in the painting?!
How many moms can relate to her response????
She said, "she didn’t really have many photos of all of them together because she was always the one snapping the photos."
I told her I was able to superimpose her into the painting by looking at different photos!! I used the photo of the guys on the beach. I then used another photo of her on Easter to reference her into the painting. I also changed her clothes to a more casual beach look.
This is one of the reasons I love my job so much. I can create the combination of memories for a painting that captures it all!!